Artificial Intelligence. Challenges and threats


  • Andrzej Barczak University of Siedlce



Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Deepfake, Threats


The paper is concerned with the visions and threats of Artificial Intelligence. It characterizes and describes those that, according to experts and scientists , will have a huge impact on the shape, nature and functioning of societies in the next two to three decades. Undoubtedly, one of the significant challenges is the development and application of deep learning. Scientific research in Artificial Intelligence will be accompanied by intensive development of computer vision, convolutional networks and virtual, augmented and mixed reality. In the future, everything digital will be able to fall prey to counterfeiters. The essence and functioning of related Deepfake tools are explained and described in the paper. The development of Artificial Intelligence will result in a wide and versatile application of Biometrics. The paper describes the prospective areas of its use and draws attention to the problems associated with the construction of the oversized databases necessary for this purpose. In the era of a society characteristic of the development of the fourth industrial revolution, theway and means of automobile transportation and the necessary infrastructure will be radically transformed - autonomous vehicles will appear. The paper describes all levels of reference relating to the scope of control of an autonomous vehicle. Effective use of Artificial Intelligence solutions will not be possible without computers with enormous computing power. Theemergence of quantum computers will certainly solve this problem. The essence of quantum computer functioning is described in the next chapter. Artificial Intelligence can successfully perform many tasks better than humans. This will make Artificial Intelligence take on a huge economic value. Positions will be lost for both physical and mental workers. The question then becomes, where are we? Which professions can take over Artificial Intelligence and which ones will not move? What is the future of work done by humans? These issues are addressed in Chapter 9. The prospect of widespread and comprehensive use of Artificial Intelligence solutions will raise the following question, with respect to both humans and society. Can Artificial Intelligence optimize our happiness? The answer to such a question is not an easy one. The paper attempts to answer it. In the age of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, we will be accompanied by, revolutionary changes in the way humans of entire societies function. There will be an urgent need to define a neweconomic model. Issues clarifying the nature and importance of the essential components of the said model are addressed in this work. Solutions and use of Artificial Intelligence are often accompanied by various kinds of failures. These can have many causes. The paper describes and explains, proposed by Yampolsky Roman, a kind of dysfunction pattern. The results of scientific research and
practical experience that the list of Artificial Intelligence dangers is very extensive. A representative list of risks from Artificial, along with the characteristics of each of them, is presented in the last part of the paper.


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How to Cite

Barczak, A. (2023). Artificial Intelligence. Challenges and threats. Studia Informatica. System and Information Technology, 29(2), 5-25.